
Tuesday 16 October 2012


During our second group meeting we decided and discussed our roles.



My understanding of my role~

I will be sharing the directing with Patrycja. We will work together with our ideas, merging them, assessing them etc. We will have regular group meetings on the ideas and developments to assess if our production process is flowing, what we need to change and what we need to improve on. Patrycja will be in charge of the audition process. I will be in charge of directing the actors whilst filming. During the making we will both aid each other with our roles; keeping check and making sure we are both OK with developments and or need support during the making.


My understanding of my role~

Concerning our production I will be writing the script for our opening sequence. It  will involve writing the dialogue for the actors involved and depending on the dialogue used will not involve shot types for the camera person - the storyboard helps with that. It can involve brief editing effects for the editor to help direct them.

Camera woman

My understanding of my role~

I will be in charge of  the equipment, tripod, camera and camera charger and will film the clips for our opening sequence, passing them on to the editor. I must be ready for weather conditions, prepared to be filming for long periods of time and ready to take spontaneous, unplanned shots that could be interesting for the opening sequence.
I think this role plays crucial part as I will be getting the material, shots, for Patrycja to piece together as the editor. Without a camera person there would be no editor.


My understanding of my role~

I will be creating non-diagetic sound for the opening sequence to be added onto the clips by Patrycja.



Storyboard maker


I'm really looking forward to getting started!

Thanks for reading :)

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