
Monday 15 October 2012

Group Meeting 1

We had a great meeting today and I really enjoyed sharing our ideas. It was really interesting hearing about Patrycja's political Thriller idea, it's so absorbing.

After sharing ideas, we decided to use mine as a base and found that merging both ideas made a more interesting story-line  Like Patrycja's CCTV, we could use a similar angle and editing to make it look like CCTV - a high positioned PAN that's an long shot (LS) and doing a low angle (LA) with an exposure effect to make the brightness of the shot change and to turn to black and white, whilst also creating a sense of busyness in London for the audience. 

I will update with step 4 later today to try and explain what we have come up with, I hope it makes sense!

Thank you for reading and following :)


  1. You need to keep this blog up to date,Dawn. This is already a few weeks behind.

  2. I am going to upload and edit my drafted posts on Thursday and should be up to date by then. Thank you.
