
Saturday 20 October 2012

Name of Company

I wanted to have a production representing the Thriller-Horror genre, the name had to be something that reflects intense, suspenseful moments and unexpected events; notorious elements of the genre.
Patrycja thought the company could be called 'Unexpected Productions' because thats what a Thriller-Horror can be. However, I thought that would be too typical, as I think that's generally the first word that would come to mind about Thriller-Horrors.

I wanted to reflect something that a Thriller-Horror audience would feel or say when watching a suspenseful moment, possibly a character that has someone behind them who is about to attack? Suddenly, 'Look Out' came to mind, I discussed what I thought about it and why I thought it would be a good choice and we settled with it.
Patrycja experimented with different fonts and colours and we decided that our group name would look like this:

This layout was chosen baring in mind we have ghosts in our opening sequence and waned to reflect that with our production name. Also, this design immediately helps the audience identify that the film about to be seen is both scary and mysterious. I feel that this will draw the audience's intrigue and will make them want to find out what it is about.

Thanks please leave feedback :)

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