
Tuesday 2 October 2012

Preliminary Editing 3

Anna has done the sound today and came up with various compositions. It was a process of elimination, we didn't want it to be too dramatic other wise it would seem to overpowering for the video and we didn't want it to be a boring droning sound either. After a long discussion as a group and watching and re-watching the clip along side the different sounds we decided to have a playful piano as it helped intrigue an audience, was ironic and helped uplift or add humor to the sad situation.

I'm sure we are all pleased with the result, I am!

You know, it's made me realise how much work pre-production, filming and the post production actually take. It takes allot of work, effort, time and diligence to have a good production, you have to be a strong team, with good communication for it to go well. The whole process can take some films years to complete! But it's all worth it! 

This experience is really going to help me with my mind maps, production processes and creativity!

Will be uploading the Preliminary soon!

Feed back is welcome thanks :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dawn , In my opinion we should of pick a better song that goes with the scene that we filmed , but still we can comment on it and improve it next time :D
