
Monday 15 October 2012

Final Production Idea Step 4

Here's my idea of how the beginning will look after the first meeting:

I've written it down incase the picture is not as clear:

  • Est location - ms-en-scene, shots of underground trains, feet entering and exiting train, cars, buses, traffic lights, people crowds
  • fast paced cuts and editing, interpretation busy London life, own non-diagetic music - with some recorded sounds (beeping etc) - increasing - busy, tense, overwhelming
  • sudden silence - cut to LA LS - focussed on ghost - slow motion edit, non-diagetic whisper "I can see you"
  • LA LS shot increases speed, non-diagetic distorted sounds adding; footsteps, marching, running, ringing, talking (etc)
  • "I can see you" dominant sound - as set in city is creepy because Ghost can be anywhere - audience
  • Cut to LS of Pro...walking towards camera (audience follow him in shot - tension built up)
  • looks into camera "ahh it's recording!"
  • Calls over brother - camera in POV facing feet and walking
  • dialogue exchange about wanting to watch what's been recorded as no-one knows what's on it
  • cut to recording, non-diagetic "lets fast forward, I don't want to waist time"
  • non-diagetic "what was that?" "rewind, rewind"clip normal speed
  • Ghost in recording
  • Non-diagetic crying, girl upset, angry, violent, shouting etc
I wanted to re-create a modern, urban, busy London atmosphere for the audience to relate to. Beginning the film with the location, a densely populated area, and modern time period communicates to the audience where they are, and what kind of film they are going to be watching.
The fast paced cuts are designed to enhance the busy atmosphere and to keep the audience attracted to events on the screen.
I wanted the audience to feel intimidated by the ghost and non-diagetic "I can see you", with the cutting of sound and slow motion editing, this would force the audience to focus on the ghost; hopefully creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. The appearing of this Ghost would immediately prompt the audience to question who she is, why she is there and what is her role in the film as a whole; acting as a narrative hook.
I then wanted to use the same sounds of London but distort them in editing to display that something is wrong, suggesting that the ghost is the cause. Immediately cutting to the Protagonist, I wanted to introduce him in a LS - walking up to the camera, again creating suspense like the Ghost - possibly hinting a connection to the audience. I wanted the audience to, as conventions of an opening sequence, be intrigued by the characters and keep that intrigue by not giving away too much information. I finally chose to have the ghost involved with the characters, through their recording on the camera, inspired by Paranormal Activity, to again intrigue the audience as to why she is targeting them.

I'm going to explain this idea to Patrycja tomorrow and we will see where to go from there - whether we like it and keep it or change it. This is going to be fun!

Thank you for reading, any comments are welcome :)

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