
Monday 15 October 2012

Research on Toderov's Narrative Theory

I researched diagrams of Toderov's narrative theory to help me understand via visuals, here's what I found:

Toderov suggests that narratives begin with equilibrium or  a status quo, where any potentially opposing forces are in balance - i.e the protagonist and the antagonist. This harmony is disrupted by an occurrence, causing disruption and a series of negative events to follow. These problems are solved in the climax/resolution and a new order is restored in the world of fiction.

He also suggested that the structure of conventional narratives are a follows:

  • A state of equilibrium at the begining
  • A disruption of this equilibrium by a type of action or event
  • Recognition of the disruption
  • Success or attempt at repairing the disruption
  • A new equilibrium

This cycle continues like a loop hole. It reiterates that there is always something bad in the harmonious world, an antagonist, wishing to create discord. They are confronted and, conventionally, defeated by the protagonist who creates or restores order to the land or situation concerning. This narrative style also contains a sense that there are always consequences to an action, be it positive or negative.

I really enjoy this narrative theory and understand it very well. I appreciate that, although the theory's simple, it reflects everyday life in a way, making a narrative seem realistic and more human.

Feed back is welcome! Thanks :)

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