
Thursday 27 September 2012

Preliminary re-filming

Well it just goes to show that you can't predict the weather!
It rained today. After looking back on yesterday's filming, with a bright shinning sun in the background, and our reality of heavy down-poor, we realised that we would have to film again...

Before I continue, I watched 'Great movie mistakes', as a film buff, and saw an epic continuity error in 'Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade':

Or maybe he can actually read a newspaper upside down! 
Continuity is so important in filming, it can change/ruin or aid the narrative; in this case it's not really noticed until you have a good look at it.

Anyway, back to reality. Our continuity was very bad, people that weren't in previous shots then appeared in following shots! I think we rushed with the filming and didn't really put much thought into it, which is a shame, but I'm glad we learnt our lesson.

We gave ourselves 2 hours to film this time, and it was worth it! During today's filming we didn't have our group in it's entirety because, unfortunately, Patrycja was unable to join. However, we did finish filming, yay!

I was the camera woman and followed the shot order diligently with patience - this time - thus, there was no chaos!
I found that carrying the camera in hand only lead to a wobbly outcome, so I used to tripod for the remainder of the filming; which was very handy but did prove repetitive when adjusting the height.
I enjoyed saying the shot and take because I felt like a professional, up until we got to shot 10 take 13! It's funny when I look back at it, but it wasn't so funny then, in fact it became laboriously frustrating - I remained calm.

Another frustration happened, the camera ran out of memory! I had to delete yesterday's filming, sadly we didn't back it up on computer - otherwise I would have added it to this update.
As Patrycja was absent I was also focusing on continuity and found it quite niggling but worth it - I can't imagine how the continuity department felt when their mistake in 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade' was made public!

So, we continued to film, 13 shots in total and smiles on our faces. Finished!
I have improved my filming techniques and have really enjoyed having another shot at it! Excuse the pun! Glad we got filming done and can now move on to edit!

Thanks again for reading. Comments, as always, are appreciated :)


  1. WOW! You've done a great amount of research that seem's really beneficial! Its really interesting to see your tackling a Thriller but I look forward to seeing your final piece especially after all your hard work and research!!
