
Monday 24 September 2012

Preliminary Planning 3

OK, so we discussed how to set out the shots and I have come up with a shot order:

  1. CU focussed on Veronika's feet
  2. MS about to push door
  3. CU hand pushing door
  4. PAN entering and walking by
  5. Static LS, influenced by 'Hot Fuzz' opening shot - prolongs tension, walking towards camera
  6. LS turning corner
  7. CU Anna expression
  8. MS - 'Hi Anna'
  9. OTSS (Veronika) view Anna
  10. OTSS (Anna) view Veronika
  11. OTSS (Veronika) view Anna
  12. Zoomed OTSS (Anna) view Veronika
  13. TS both facing, Anna leaves, Veronika left alone

hope we can get the filming done asap to edit!

Thanks, comments are appreciated :)

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