
Sunday 23 September 2012

First Ideas for Final Production Step 1

I started ideas on the Plot and Genre of the Final production.

Here's a pic of the mind map:

If you can't see it properly I have taken two more pics so you can see the words clearer:

I did write these following notes on the back of the mind map but they are not being picked up so well by my web-cam...anyway here they are:

Why set in present day?
- Relates to audience more - young adults - contemporary
- seems current
- adds believability

Why is the past important?
- past can seem disturbing/dark (especially asylums - history)
- relates to plot/story

Why is  'Ghost' young girl?
- innocence, sympathy of situation, she's in distress (stuck in time, went through horrible event - life taken away from her at young age and wants to take revenge)
- contradicts the stereotype of weakness - super-natural strength/power although in predicament
- displays that looks are not what they seem
- creepy as she can be underestimated
- character is interesting - slight mystery - (helps audience question 'what can she do?', 'why is she here?' due to mystery - the wait for information at beginning)

Feedback would really help me for my next step mind map.
Thanks :)


  1. I think your idea is great! You've put in a great deal of planning and your ideas are backed up really well!

    I think a good point about the ghost being a young girl is the fact that in films, especially of the horror and thriller genre's childern are even more scary and shock people that they are capable of such things!!

    Good Luck

  2. You've clearly shown a lot of planning and ideas and it sounds great. The storyline looks interesting. Good Luck!

  3. It's really hard to read your mind map but I like that you've put more detail under it :) good luck
