
Saturday 22 September 2012

Analysing Film Openings 3

I can't find a link on YouTube for you to watch:

'The Clearing':

The opening credits begin on a black screen. As the opening credits start, non-diagetic string instruments and slow piano playing joins, generating a constant hum; this atmospheric music creates suspense and engaging the audience immediately.

The editor fades into a still-level-long camera shot establishing a street with small working class houses parallel and squashed together through the ms-en-scene, seeming like a vastly populated area. The ms-en-scene displays an American flag; this is done so the audience understand that the film is set in America. A grey sky is also exhibited in the still-level-long shot; an uncertain presence is suggested by the pathetic fallacy.

Immediately the editor cuts to a slightly low angled close up, the non-diagetic music continues. Through the camera we see a dark room and what seems to be a bathroom cabinet mirror. The camera man had cleverly angled this shot to not be seen through the reflection. The audience are personally involved with the occupant as, through the camera, they are inside the house.

A male character enters the room and switches on a light, providing more detail in the scene. We now see ladies belongings in the bathroom; the ms-en-scene suggests he does not live alone. Although the man seems ‘normal’, the continuing non-diagetic music implies otherwise to the audience. A quick cut to a close up shot of the man provides more detail, the music still continues; through this we are uncomfortably close to the character. Fast edited close up cuts are used as he opens the cabinet and administers shaving cream, to create a spontaneous feel for the audience.

The camera shots reveal, through the ms-en-scene, that the character is married as he wears a wedding ring. In another close up the man has a parted hairstyle that is slicked down with gel, the ms-en-scene suggests his perfectionism as a character. Through the non-diagetic music, ms-en-scene and camera shots, the audience may feel sickened by the way the character is represented, as his creepy appearance is emphasised.

The editor then cuts to a mid camera shot, the audience see through the camera and ms-en-scene that the character dressing. A quick cut to a close up of the characters face highlights his determined expression, implying his overly compulsive nature to the audience. The non-diagetic music also creates a creepy atmosphere and almost exaggerates his expression; this may have been used to intimidate the audience.
A fast edited cut to an uncomfortably extreme-level-close up displays the characters disembodied feet walking down the stairs, the non-diagetic music is suspenseful, the ms-en-scene again suggests to the audience his overly compulsive attribute; through the precise knotting of both shoelaces and their polished surface. One intended effect of this could be to intimidate the audience, the choice and implication of this camera shot may also cause the audience to feel of a lower status than the character; we are less powerful.

Immediately cutting to a close up shot of the character the audience see that he holds a breakfast bowl close to his face, which again emphasises his cleanliness. The ms-en-scene displays that the character is in the kitchen, due to the utensils and crockery on the set. Diagetic television sounds can now be heard, whilst the non-diagetic music continues, this upholds the eerie feel, seems to create spontaneity while also suggesting disorder to the audience.

Cutting to a mid two shot, it is now clear that the character is standing; this is generally an unusual way to eat breakfast. The non-diagetic music and actions within the mid two camera shot creates a sense of his abnormality to the audience. The kitchen's background is visible in this shot and the ms-en-scene exhibits many kitchen utensils and crockery draining at the sink, seeming chaotic, possibly connoting a chaotic lifestyle that is contradictory to his nature.

A quick edited cut to a slightly high angle shot looking up displays a luxury mansion, possibly within the countryside. Diagetic bird song is now heard and the previous eerie non-diagetic music has ceased. There is a bright sky and the sun is shining; the pathetic fallacy opposes the previous scene and can act as relief from it for the audience.

Cutting to a mid camera shot, we see a woman opening curtains, the light provides detail; she has grey hair and wears pearls, the ms-en-scene implies her high status through the expensive jewellery. A long two shot exhibits an orderly bedroom, the ms-en-scene displays relaxed, co-ordinated wooden furniture and furnishings; contrary to the chaotic kitchen in previous scene. Through the camera another male is visible. He seems much older and more relaxed than the previous male; this can again relieve the audience through the orderly ms-en-scene.
Both men may be connected in the later film as they are focussed upon in the camera shots.

I've really enjoyed analysing all of these Thriller films so far and I want to analyse 'North By North West' as it has a very interesting beginning, I hope to upload it soon.

Thanks again for reading, comments are appreciated :)

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