
Friday 21 September 2012

Own Idea for Preliminary

Before I go onto my ideas, I want to show you my understanding of the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot:

A camera can go anywhere on the green line but if it goes on the red line the actors and set will appear opposite to other shots; therefore it will be seen to be 'crossing the line', (e.g. instead of one actor facing right and one left, both will be seen facing left).

This used to see both actors reactions and to make the conversation seem spontaneous.

My first idea is about a couple. The boy would be waiting to meet the girl in the school canteen, as there had been an argument. However, we would start with the camera following the girl to the canteen.
They would have a tense conversation - close ups, prolonged shots for tension, shot reverse shot (baring in mind the 180 degree rule), a two shot showing awkwardness between two, possibly a CU of the girls hand on the table and the boys touching hers then she moves hers away - dramatic - CU or OTTS of either boys or girls reaction, OTTS showing girl "I can't do this anymore, it's over", two shot she leaves, CU on boy, POV from him of her going round the corner...

With this idea I wanted to create a sense of drama and humanity; as we all have ups and downs, peaks and troughs in relationships. However, this relationship may be too stereotypical, I think it's likely that allot of people would have this idea. Also, it could be too complicated and not simple enough for a Preliminary.

My second idea is rather simple. It's about a broken friendship. I'm not exactly sure if the friends should be male or female and how it could be set out dramatically; as it's not as intimate as my other idea.
If they were males, I would try and make a character seem butcher than the other. If they were two females, I would make one seem needy/pleading and the other stubborn. 
There could be a sense of higher and lower authority between the two. The relationship could either be re-kindled at the end or discarded.

I've only grasped the concept of this idea and I feel I'm following it very stereo-typically, but these are only my first ideas and I haven't elaborated on them thoroughly or discussed them with my group yet; I think they are allowed to be less precise.

Thank you for reading :)

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