
Friday 28 September 2012

Final Production Idea Step 2

For my second step I wanted to expand on the characters and the films setting.
I made a mind map with these ideas:

On the back I wrote this:

Why London?

  • Vast population and area, can seem like nowhere to run/hide
  • Can display society through city
  • Broader area and spectrum for filming

Why Protagonist male?

  • Stereotype - strength, leader, influential
  • Ghost is more powerful (super natural) contradiction, can imply how weak we are as humans when faced with supernatural phenomenon
  • Can also evoke sympathy for him - limitations compared

I'm really looking forward to expanding my ideas further!

I hope you can see the pic properly, if not please comment for a clearer pic :) thanks

P.S: please help me along my journey and give feedback :) thanks again :)

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