
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Analysing Film Openings 4

Although we did this Comedy/Action genre opening as a class, I found it very interesting and an eye opener because of the individual note making and the discussions of notes after; displaying multiple points of view.
We focused on these questions; 'What has the Director done to engage the audience?', 'How does the Director portray the character?'

'Hot Fuzz':

Immediate edited non-diagetic sirens over titles - fast paced, reflects adrenaline, audience straight into it - want to see action.

Prolonged static LS - character walking to camera, protagonist - we are following his journey - exaggerated non-diagetic footsteps - tension builds, footsteps are like heartbeat. Pro implied dedicated - outside = morning, early start through ms-en-scene.

Fast edited cut pace - heavy going job Pro dutiful, non-diagetic Pro voice over, CU - facial expressions, MS, crosscutting - Pro walking to office and his character intro.

Pro implied - serious, dedicated, controlling - likes to be in driver seat...

This has really improved my note making skills; they are precise, have more terminology and are shorter. I also understand the difference between genres; as I have done Thriller.

After all of this analysing I can’t wait to film Preliminary!

Thanks for reading, please comment :)

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