
Sunday 25 November 2012

Official Filming 2

Today I filmed the scene's with our actors in and Patrycja joined to support me. We all met in Camden at 5 pm to fit the dark night filmed yesterday. We also wanted it to be dark to create a sinister atmosphere using pathetic fallacy as the ghost appears.

It was very cold for our actress Marlena. In her costume I wouldn't be surprised! Thankfully she had a warm coat to snuggle into, keeping her warm in between takes. She did amazingly well considering the wet weather and repetitive amount of shots. She co-operated and listened to my directions carefully, taking on board everything.

Jack was nice and cosey in his costume! He co-operated fully for each time called to shoot, listening, taking on board any feedback on his acting and waited patiently when not being filmed.

We care very much for the well fair of our actors so we brought extra umbrellas for them to shelter under.

I think the filming was shorter than expected, finishing around 7 pm. I did allow a few refreshment breaks for everyone to rest while Patrycja and I checked the clips to see what needed re-filming but that didn't really eat away the time.

After re-filming the necessary shots I said good-bye to Patrycja and Marlena as Jack and I went back to his to charge the camera for his character's scene at home.

The corner of his kitchen was quite an easy area to film in, providing I stood beside the camera, as the tripod covered a large area. At first, it was difficult getting the camera in the right position as the back door window's reflection caught it. After adjusting and maneuvering the tripod I succeeded in finding a suitable position for it, the height, intended to be a level/equal LS of the protagonist - connoting the audience is equal to him - was lowered a little, and the camera was secure ready to shoot!

When being directed for actions Jack took initiative and came up with some of his own gestures for his character. I really enjoyed working with Jack as he kept experimenting with his movement in each shot. He was also a dedicated, humorous actor.

Once finished, roughly having over 120 shots in total, we decided to call it a day. I checked through his scenes and I think all the shots from today look great.

I'm looking forwards to seeing the clips edited together!

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