
Thursday 8 November 2012

My Layout and Plan for Filming

After previous experiences of the impact of poor planning for filming I decided to create a thorough plan for the filming. I also divided into sections the aspects - busy crowds, traffic, market stalls etc - that I wanted to film to help me understand and be precise with what should be targeted. Saturday is when most of the filming will take place. I know that it will take the whole day to cover everything on the list and thankfully considering the daylight change and continuity, the shots of the clock changing will come in handy - helping the narrative make sense when edited together. In filming, the shots can look a bit sporadic when layed out because not everything goes to plan; there may be a new interesting shot that I didn't think of previously when creating the storyboard or shot list, there may equally be a shot that I can't use due to the impracticality of it etc. I've realised that too much filming is better than too little filming because the more material available grants the editor more to work with. I accept that there will be a large amount of the filming that will be discarded, but I understand that all of the shots are vital for creating the best opening sequence. I'm sure I will make mistakes in the filming, like accidently nudging the camera and having to re-film a shot again, also having to re-film a shot numerous times because of bad continuity. I realise that, as a large and vastly populated area, Camden will be crowded and I will have to wait a while in some shots when doing double shots for the ghosts because I don't want the same people in them - creating bad continuity. I'm prepared for any unplanned, spontaneous shots and I'm really looking forward to the filming!
It's forecast to rain on Saturday - perfect pathetic fallacy for our beginning sequence and narrative - although quite a difficult task for filming...I'm sure I'll get through it! I'm starting filming at 10am and don't expect to finish until approximately 7.30pm.

For Sunday's filming, Patrycja and our actors will be joining me. It's again forecast to rain and I've made sure we will all be wrapped up warm and have umbrella's at the ready! The timing is essential and we are scheduled to meet up at 5pm at Camden station when it's a darker setting. I have taken into consideration that our female ghost will need some prep for adding the ghostly makeup and Patrycja and I have made sure we have the right type of makeup - dark eye-shadow and pale foundation - including the costume. I hope that we will all get to the filming and won't be distracted by conversation or anything and will just get to work!

Anyway, here's my plan hope you like it!

Keep following and feel free to feedback thanks :)

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