
Tuesday 6 November 2012


Here's roughly what I said and talked about if you didn't catch everything or had some technical problems:

I've realised and discussed this with Patrycja that we don't need Big Ben to display the time for our opening sequence. Yes, it  is a landmark, but we are planning to film whilst red buses and black taxi cabs are going by - those are just some of the indicators to the audience that the location is London.  As I really want the time to be displayed in our opening sequence, through fading effects in editing, I can just take shots of one clock and change the time on the clock for each shot, illustrating that time is moving and life is going on to the audience : simple!

I find it's a great contrast having life shown via the traffic, crowds, market and general busy city atmosphere, with ghosts, i.e death, displayed via overlapping of shots and re-appearing and disappearing characters through editing - fantastic - as our film brings both ends and extremes of the spectrum together. This is intended to promote further intrigue from our audience and make our production unique.

I think the clock is a good idea because it reiterates to the audience that London is a busy place, time is moving constantly helping to give it a realistic feel, by adding something that the audience would relate to - not having enough time - whilst also suggesting a countdown that is intended to provoke suspense. Also, I'd quite like to film at different times during the day to get the daylight change, the clock will help with the continuity and flow of narrative.

Not only have I realised that, we also don't need to film in Central London - Oxford Street - because it would highly complicate the filming and crowd continuity. Considering this, I find that a perfect local location would be Camden Town because of it's expression of culture, busy atmosphere  and it's vast filming space, filled with balconies to film from, getting various view points, making our whole sequence interesting and unique.It's not as busy as Central, which helps the filming process quicken.
I'm considering my plan for filming and will post it soon.

Thanks for following :)

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