
Friday 2 November 2012

Sound Experimentation 1

Whilst Patrycja was editing for our first filmed clips, I took initiative to experiment with Logic pro. I wanted to find any ambient city sounds that could be merged together to add to a clip; cars, traffic, overlapping conversations etc. I also wanted to find the sound of someone exhaling for the title as it fades out. I think this would be eerie for the audience as it's a normal sound, slowed, and used in a creepy way; possibly linking to our ghosts theme. It also reiterates that the titles are fading, like breath leaves the body. Anyway it's just a thought.

Here's a screen shot of what I found:

Experimenting with Logic Pro

I'm starting to get the hang of Logic Pro more as I experiment. I will be uploading the sounds I am considering using soon, but if I'm not satisfied with the exhale I will just have to record it myself!

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