
Thursday 21 March 2013

What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?

Here's the link for the video if it doesn't work on your computer:

Here's our written answer:


We are aiming to distribute our media product into companies such as Momentum, Film Four, and Miramax. This is because these companies are known for the growth of the business rather than focusing on making profit. If we decide to distribute to these companies it could be beneficial for our production as we can have gradual growth and development with companies that are more likely to distribute our productions. Companies such as 20th Century Fox would require us to pay larger amounts of money to distribute our product and without the funding and equipment suitable for our production, they would not distribute. 20th Century Fox is well known as their company distributes many films; which can bring more profit for them. They have a high reputation, which makes it more of a challenge for a small company like ‘LOOKOUT PRODUCTIONS’.

We could have promotion tickets or advertisement in newspapers, small posters in the tube carriages, handouts on the street etc. in order to promote our media product, which will help us to get profit and expand our productions reputation. We could also promote on websites that younger audience are more likely to visit such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which comes under the social networking websites where most of our young audience spend a lot of time on.

Film 4, Miramax or/and Momentum would be the perfect distribution for our media product as they will make our company grow and bring more money and publicity to the company. All of the companies above are suitable to distribute our media product as these mostly distribute new films that don’t have a high reputation like 20th Century Fox. These companies mostly distribute films on TV; which is a good start for small productions like ours. In the future our production could make films that are worth thousands of pounds and can then be distributed by 20th Century Fox and other such companies with a high reputation.

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