
Wednesday 20 March 2013

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Here's the link for the video if it doesn't work on your computer:

Question 2

Here's our written answer:


Our actors we used were young to represent our TA of 16-mid20 years. The fact that our male character is, young, white, male and suggested to be drinking alcohol in our opening sequence, represents what is now currently seen the stereotype of young British males. This is often associated with selfish behaviour, acts of violence and disregard for society. The Western stereotype of youth culture is reflected by this. Examples concerning these issues and stereotypes are exhibited in hit series such as ‘The Inbetweeners’, ‘Shamless’ and films such as ‘Attack The Block’ and ‘Kidulthood’.

Our female character was also made to look dishevelled, her clothes to be blood stained and her face to be covered in bruises to suggest that she has suffered abuse, which can represent weak and vulnerable.

The shots of Camden in our piece represent the culture variety in London. The crowd shots particularly highlight this representing the diversity within London. A close up shot of a bright pink neon sign of a girl dancing in our opening sequence represents nightlife, an important part of youth culture. The mid shot of the skull t-shirt, close up of the boots and long shot of the large converse shoe represents current youth fashion trends. The long mid shot of the shops, ‘CHAOS’ and ‘DARK SIDE’ represent a society’s interest in dark or supernatural elements.

As we have both a male and female actors and display both genders in our shots of the crowds, we represent both genres in our piece. During our introduction we focus on females in the crowds more; the long shot of passengers exiting the train and mid shot of the mirror reflection display a woman in white in both shots designed to make her stand out, the shot of the neon sign and a pan following a woman with the ‘PATRYCJA LATKA’ title. Our aim is to subliminally intrigue the audience to who the girl is in the radio report, through focusing on women in our shots. These selected shots are designed to sustain the audience’s interest in her identity and backstory – acting as a narrative hook.

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