
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Sounds 5

As you've probably guessed, I've chosen number 8 in a previous post to be the non-diagetic background sound for my radio report.

I have combined this, the beginning sound and the recorded voice-over to complete the report:

This example is taken from our edited clips so far. Editing's going really well and Patrycja's doing a great job of it. We both regularly sit together whilst we share in viewing and commenting on each others progress. One of the main things we focus on is getting the audio and video transitions to run smoothly, so far we've got all the filming out on the time-line in Premier Pro and are going step by step to get the transitions to the highest quality we can with our current skills.

Monday 21 January 2013

Sounds 4

Concerning our distributors, FILM4 and MIRAMAX, we have used their video but have changed their original non-diagetic sounds and used our own.

Here's a before and after of each sequence:

I believe the non-diagetic sounds used merge well together and suit our Thriller-Horror genre because they build suspence and intrigue - not giving too much away to the audience.


Friday 18 January 2013

Sounds 3

I'm focusing on the background beat for the radio report, having already found my beginning to it.
Here's some Beats and rhythms that I've discovered using Logic Pro:

My favourite beat is number 8. It's not too clubby and not too serious - it maintains the immediacy and importance of the report whilst also remaining contemporary.

Let me know what you think if you disagree, Thanks! 

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Sounds 2

Continuing to use the violins I added the breath that merges with our slow motion production titles as the tissue blows away:

I wanted to add something simple to give this mix more depth I experimented with adding a heart beat. Once completing this, I exported this sounds into an mp3 file format and gave it to Patrycja who imported this new sound onto Premire Pro. We then edited the sound in with the clips and editing we've already done:

 I'm satisfied with this beginning and I'm looking forward to further construction of our opening sequence.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Sounds 1

I began merging and creating loops within Logic Pro.
My aim was to find and create a mix that to suits the opening shots involving the train that myself and Patrycja have edited together, (Patrycja uses Premier Pro to edit and I help or oversee what she's done to see if there are any major improvements to be fixed - you could say I'm acting as an objective perspective

Here's the mixes that I'm considering:

I'm not entirely sure about this mix because when it's merged with the short beginning sequence it may make the audience believe a really bad events about to happen straight away and mislead/confuse them.

I believe this mix can build tension but is lacking something which, in my opinion, creates a lower level of interest when heard and doesn't really fit our Thriller-Horror genre because of the lack of suspense (its also more like an echoing sound effect and less like the suspenseful mix I'm llistening for).

I'm not as keen on this mix because, although the sounds are interesting and suspenseful individually, as a collective they contrast and collide with each other. I really enjoy the piano sound because it connotes a sense of impending doom for a character - it happens when a villain is enclosing on his/her victim. However I don't want to use this sound in another mix because it can contrast so easily with others - making it harder to find a suitable match.

I enjoy these two violins merged together the most. I want to experiment further with these because they seem more promising than the others. The violins are a contrast to the clips, yet they merge well with it because the ms-en-scene is expected to have a contemporary beat. Whereas, this non-diagetic sound is unexpected and can seem aged creating an eerie and suspenseful atmosphere.

Recordings of Radio Script Report 5

Both Patrycja and I are pleased with Radio Report Script 5. I recorded it with my voice and both of us are pleased with the outcome:

This isn't how it will sound in the Final video, I will add a beat, like ones used in the radio reports I've researched, to keep the report interesting and to maintain the fast pace. I am looking for a sound that will engage a listener, not to distract them from the information and a sound that will keep the professional sincerity of the report.

Looking forward to my next update!

Saturday 12 January 2013

Radio Report Script 5

Here's the new edition:


Non-diagetic radio report interruption
Constant underlining beat throughout report

Hi this is Julie Noted keeping you up-to-date with “Your London’s” 60 second on the hour News, Travel and Weather bulletin.

We have received reports from the Camden Town area of North London, of a young girl who appears to be in distress. She is described as possibly in her early teens, with long blond hair, clothed in a ripped white t-shirt and ripped denim jeans, both reportedly blood-stained. Further reports describe marks across her face; these may be abrasions or bruising.
If you believe you have seen this girl, please do not hesitate to report any sighting immediately to your local Police Station or Your London. We’ll update you with a full report in tonight’s main News hour.

Fading out of constant beat and radio report

For Travel, both tube lines and bus routes are running well throughout London, we have no reports of any major congestion on any of the main lines or routes.

The rain is continuing to develop during this evening and this night, turning into heavy downpours. The Met office has issued a yellow warning for rainfall totals to increase across London and the South East of England.

That’s all for now, thanks for tuning into “Your London”


There have been allot of changes made to the previous draft. I wanted to make it seem as though a listener had just tuned into the radio and make the introduction short and sweet, as it is supposed to replicate a 60 second news bulletin.

As my name would be used in the titles, I wanted to keep the continuity of the sequence correct, so I couldn't use my name otherwise the fictitious illusion would be broken. I used the name Julie Noted because it is a play on words - duly noted - I wanted to make the presenters name fit her job.

We changed the radio's name from 'Lookout Radio' to 'Your London' because it would contradict with our company name and 'Your London' helps establish the location of the film. The 'Your' also reflects that the radio appreciate a personal and trusting relationship with their listeners, as it expects it's listeners to tune in on a regular basis via the 'on the hour'. The 'London' also establishes the location of the broadcast.

The 'up-to-date' section is similar to what real radio's do because they want their listeners to remained tuned in to maintain or grow their readership. Also, by saying it's 'on the hour', it suggests that the radio keep the public 'up-to-date' and want to inform them - it's what news updates do and it replicates how regular they can be. I kept the previous details and description but added the 'News, Travel and Weather' to make it a more believable report.

I included editing directions to make it clear for Patrycja with what words should be used.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Radio beginning using Logic Pro 02

After the feedback from Ms. Camboia in the Radio beginning using Logic Pro 01 post, I have explored in Logic Pro more and found another possible radio beginning sound:

Pre-existing 'Breaking News' loop found in Logic Pro

Editing the sound with a title using Premier Pro

Possible non-diagetic sound

I like this because it grasps the listener's/audience's attention via the echo before the loud 'dun'. It's important to have a less impacting sound before the louder sound because it prepares the listener and is less of a shock to the ears. Also, I enjoy the variety in the pitch and tone of the 'duns' following as it keeps the interruption fresh, keeping the interest of the listener. These impacting sounds will communicate that there is an important message to be heard, it also poses as a recognisable theme for the radio - listeners of this radio would know that this was a news interruption - our protagonist is one of these.

This sound reminded me of the Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1977 music scene by it's use of tones and structured melody.

Just a quick update, thanks :)